USS Hugh Purvis (DD709)
Reunion Association
(Updated -  6/25/2024)

Annapolis Reunion 2024 Gallery.
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Photos are presented by location, day, provider or topic.
    Select any album title and it will open in a new window or tab.
Select any photo in that album for a larger version.
There is also a "right" pointing, arrow "" near the top (left or right side) that will start the slideshow for that album.

 If a title in the list is not underlined, it is not ready for viewing. 

Annapolis 2024
Hospitality Room
Tuesday June 11 - Annapolis
Morning Windshield Tour Harbor Boat Tour
Annapolis DockSide Museum of Historic Annapolis and
Wedensday June 12 - The Naval Academy
Morning Windshield Tour Academy Chapel
John Paul Jones Academy Museum
Hugh Purvis Medal of Honor Display Academy Lunch
HPRA Memorial Service - Graveside of  Hugh Purvis - USMC
HPRA Annual Dinner, Wedensday June 12