Note: If you wish to contribute to this page, be sure any photos and articles you use are in the "Public Domain," or that you have permission to reprint or that you own anything you use.

The Old Navy (#1)
Contributed by Steve S. 

The Old Navy (#2)
Contributed by Steve S. 

A Sailors Dying Wish
Contributed by George B. 

Not EVERYONE Can Be A Marine
Contributed by George B. 

A Sailors Thoughts
Contributed by Steve S
Where did they go?
Contributed by Dennis D.
Comparative Military Terms
Contributed by Gene
Wes Hoch"
Parts One and Two
(58-60) - Presented at 2013 HPRA Reunion Dinner
by J.J. Larson - UPDATED 5/28/2020

I Was A Sailor
Contributed by Sal Contello (multiple sources)

The Death of navy Tradition
by LCDR Thomas Sousa (ret.)
       Contributed by Sal Contello

Do You Miss It?
by Tim Brady (68-69)

Tin Can Sailorman
A poem from Tim Brady (68-69)

The SS Warrimoo
from Dennis Dow  (65-70)

My Shipmate - "Chico"
by George Beal (50-52)
by David Barter (52-55)

Shadowing a Russian Helicopter Carrier
by Wayne Dupre

The Hugh Pervert
by Hugh Tulloch via Dennis Dow

The Fate of the USS Harwood
by Butch Guzejko (66-68)

Ride On a Nuclear Submarine
by Bob Mead  (62-64)

Map of 1961 MED Cruise

by Lou Grasinni (61-64)
via John Goldsworthy (61-63) and
Roger Nelson (60-62)
Map by Nelson's son